Thursday, December 27, 2012

Daily thoughts - ignored, alone, deppressed

Being ignored by society/or someone you adore, or just being left out and/or feeling left out in times you really need company or alone in that matter always kills you inside. For some people like me, I tend to overthink the situation and feel so low about myself. I'd cry it out (because I am girl) but then it would hit me; here's what to do according to my own opinion:

1. Go to the mirror, look at yourself and tell yourself all the things nobody would tell you or hardly ever tells you what is good about yourself; your looks, your smartness, your wisdom, how you laugh, how you smile, the things you like about yourself and hope others would say to you (well your significant other) >>> this only apply when you are feeling down and please do it when you know you are all by yourself and nobody is listening ( so nobody thinks you are crazy)

2. Put on your favorite music and dance to it. ( If you like rock, pop, or even soul then turn it up loud, sing it and dance it out)

3.Keep calm, call your best friend. (if you are not ignored by them, if you are then call your mom.)

4. Get out, look at the sky, look at your surroundings watch other people be thankful you are still breathing and there is always tomorrow.

5. Go out and look at other people passing  by; remember there are more worst case scenarios and they are feeling just as left out as you, there is still homeless people who don't know what to do in life, sick people who still make their time more valuable so you should too.

6. rent out your favorite Disney (or Star wars or whatever) movie, or book, watch/read it, cry it out. It's ok.

7. get the chocolate, ice cream and tissues eat it forget the calories and just indulge for a while (NOT all the time)

8. if you like jogging or just shopping, just do what you love most and jog it out.

9. Do activities that will make you busy, do things for others>> (help out in the homeless shelter, dog shelter, ect; killing two birds with one stone you could always count it in your community service hours as well)


Pinned Image  Pinned Image  Pinned ImagePinned Imageoh, THappy whalehumiliation can be so cutePretty sure this is the coolest thing I have seen all day - #Cute #Funny

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