Sunday, November 25, 2012

Welcome, Selamat Datang!

Hi! Welcome to my first post of this blog called "The Dull Accidental Traveller". Why is it called this, you might ask? Well first of all I seem to always end up somewhere in the world unexpected without any reasonable explanation. Maybe for work, maybe because my family has been nomadic for the past decade and I have to follow them around places, or maybe just because I wanted to run away someplace for a vacation and oh yeah maybe because.. well now I have forgotten what I wanted to write down. Maybe I'll tell you later.

Are you getting bored already? Yes, this is why it's called dull.. I wont really tell you about myself so you might want to skip this post. BUT (sorry if I don't have good grammar or writing skills, I don't live in an english speaking country so forgive me for having a post written like a 12 year old) I will suggest to you some sites I think is hilarious and down-right funny to the funny bone so here it is and about motherhood (while I am not a mother but it would kickbutt) while some are awesome like this dad who says goodbye to his son with awesome home-made costumes, also this blog that is motivating for those in their 20's quarter-life crisis at  and there is a travel blog in Indonesian and you could try reading it is quiet a reader for you who loves travelling and yes I am promoting Indonesia (some of you might know the reason by now, but if you don't well keep reading).

What this blog is about? Well, I can't really tell you because I haven't written anything just yet but I would love for you (not really) to actually keep reading and waiting till I write my next entry. Probably it will be about some travelling I did and places I've been all my life (I will assure you, you will go there. Why? because I said so! ), some would be about how exciting (read: dull) life could be and some probably just random articles I wrote when I should be working or being inspirational and some would be about a failed craft I did. You might want to comment on some of my grammar mistakes (this will be fun for those grammar Nazis) and tell me how to write a blog in the best way. Again, that is all from me, till then my friends! (can I call you that? I don't even know you!) Adios! Sampai Jumpa!

ps. read my next post please! (you probably have your face in awkward poses right now) Hah! Keep reading.



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